I'm a data professional.
I'm work as Data Analyst, Data Science and BI Analyst.
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I use this repository to organize exercises with Python language.
Master SQL, Work With Complex Databases, Build Reports, Learn the ins and out of MySQL and More!
Instructor: Colt Steele.
Master Python by building 100 projects in 100 days. Learn data science, automation, build websites, games and apps!.
Instructor: Dr. Angela Yu.
Python 3 completo: PySide6, Django, Selenium, Regexp, Testes, TDD, POO, Design Patterns GoF, algoritmos e programação.
Instructor: Luiz Otávio Miranda.
Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, & More! Analyze Dozens of Datasets & Create Stunning Visualizations.
Instructor: Colt Steele.
Algoritmos e lógica de Programação para Iniciantes.
Autor: Nilo Ney Coutinho Menezes.